Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summertime - And the Livin' is Easy

OH, the painting.  I love painting!  Things have been getting increasingly busier as I receive stuffs in the mail for cons in the fall.  It's unfortunate that I have this full time job thing or I'd be painting 24/7.  I do hear, though, that when you're doing nothing but painting, painting, and more painting, it's very easy to burn out.  That being said, let's talk painting!

BTW, thanks for asking.  The dentist was just fine.  No cavities!...for NOW.  Thank the gods for tranquilizers.  I kid.  Or do I?  ^.^ 

This coming Friday, Small Angry Monster, Nick Jodice and I are going to be attending a Nerviswr3k workshop at SubUrban Vinyl!  The majority of my weekend will be spent in MA visiting my in-laws, so there will probably be little to no sculpting or painting.  Boooo.  Maybe I'll set up shop in their garage.  These people are extremely neat, so any art (and by "art" I mean "mess") in their house will probably make them extremely uneasy.  Whatevs, lol.

Congrats to me!  I've gone to the post office and mailed out everything on my "you better mail this shit out or people are going to get angry" list.
Aaaand, as always, here is this week's updated top 5 projects list:
  1. Triplikid's Gropers (WIP)
  2. Commissioned Saikobi and Negora! (WIP) 
  3. Cash Cannon's Zombie Candy Corns (WIP)
  4. 64 Colors Gumdrops (WIP)
  5. October Toys Deadbeets
Others include but are not limited to:  

Lunartik Mini Custom Cup o' Tea (I need a really good idea)
October Toys OMFG Series 1 and 2
Motorbot Owl
Ocular (Hellgnome) Monsters

Would you like to see my most recent works in progress (WIPs for all of you n00bs...I myself am a n00b because I recently discovered what WIP was lol)?  I'm going to pretend you're on the edge of your seat to see my stuffs.

Fire Groper! (sans hands and teeth)

Autumn Groper (sans hands and teeth)

Commissioned Negora

Commissioned Saikobi

Custom Zombie Candy Corn

Ok, all.  I've got some heavy actual work work to do today.  Sorry I couldn't stay and chat.  I'll make another soon.  I promise.  Because clearly you're devastated when I'm not around.

Stay nerdy, my friends, and as always, thanks for supporting your friendly neighborhood SoKo Cat!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013


This past week has been very busy.  Again, not complaining.  I'm happy to be painting on a regular basis.  I really can't communicate how happy I am to no longer be in school.  Words are not enough.  There would need to be hugging and jumping...

On Saturday, Small Angry Monster and I drove up to Beacon, N.Y. and attended the Dream in Plastic Custom Toy Show opening reception.  We had tons of fun, met lots of cool peeps, saw a variety of art, and devoured cupcakes.  Ok, specifically, I devoured cupcakes.  A plethora, as it were.  It's a weakness, I tell you!  A WEAKNESS!  Regardless of the presence of cupcakes, I'm glad to have taken the trek. ^.^

Carbon Fibre Media and Argonaut Resins provided tons of positive O'Bot feedback.  I was given the green light to post a small sneak preview:

I know, not much...but it's better than nothing!  You'll definitely see soon enough once the press releases are flying.

Speaking of pictures, several items have been crossed off of the "to-do" list this week!  Pictures are up on Instagram, but I'll also provide a few below.  Some of these items are also available in my store!
DrilOne Drones!  I know I say this a lot, but these were an absolute JOY to paint!

Dead Hand Toys Gread!  Toxic Gread.  He'll literally melt your heart.

KiD iNK iNDUSTRiES Marvelous Death.  Unsettlingly sexay.

Custom Tokidoki Unicorno. BLOODSTORM!!!! RAWWWRRR!!!

Aaaand, as always, here is this week's updated top 5 projects list:
  1. 12" Vinyl  for Art in the Groove 
  2. October Toys Deadbeets  
  3. Triplikid's Gropers (Primed)
  4. Commissioned Saikobi and Negora!  
  5. Cash Cannon's Zombie Candy Corns (they're on their way here!)
Others include but are not limited to:  

Lunartik Mini Custom Cup o' Tea (I need a really good idea)
October Toys OMFG Series 1 and 2
Motorbot Owl
Ocular (Hellgnome) Monsters
64 Colors Gumdrops

Things that need to be mailed:
Dubose's Eggnabber
Kaiju Kaos Mushrooms
KiD iNK iNDUSTRiES Marvelous Death
DrilOne Drone

I've also put money down on a table!  It's official!  I = vendor at Chiller!  Haha, this next part is sad but true.  I'm super, uber excited for this because it gives me an excuse to do Halloween-related artsy stuff well before October.

Ok, all.  I have a dentist appointment this afternoon and need some time to gather my strength to show up.

Haha, you think I'm kidding.  Well, I am.

Sort of.

There may or may not be tranquilizers involved.

You all have a great day!  Stay nerdy and remember to wash your paint brushes in cold water only!  Otherwise you'll weaken the adhesive that keeps the bristles in the brush, and they'll less likely to be perfect and neat and smooth and more like your hair when you've taken a shower and fell asleep before it had time to dry.

Yeah.  Like that.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Pass the Coffee

These past several days have been exhausting.  I'm not complaining; just reporting the reality of doing lots of work.  But it's leaps and bounds better than school, so I'm grateful to even have the spare time to paint.  Still, there are some late nights.  And then I have to get up early and go to work.  Fun.

This O'Bot project ate up a lot of time -- again, no, I'm not complaining -- and I wish I could have posted lots of pics of them!  But since I've been asked to refrain from showing people the final product, there has been radio silence on Instagram since the SubUrban Vinyl show.  I do definitely promise that you will not be disappointed, and it will be well worth the wait!  It'll hit the blogs and such and you'll see.  Sorry for the lack of pictures today.  I know some of you need pictures when reading to hold your attention (wait, that's me...), so I apologize if I lose you.

I recently mailed the Monster Magnets over to Dream in Plastic in Beacon, N.Y. for their Custom Toy Show this weekend.  Whether or not I plan to attend the reception is still up in the air.  It's a somewhat long drive, and I am very lazy.  These beauties have been getting some decent blog coverage (Tenacious Toys, SpankyStokes, toysrevil, Tomopop) which is GREAT since I recently had blogs for the G.I. Joe customs.  Very happy.  Very excited.  Chugging along.

Last night, Nick Jodice came over for a bit.  We hung out, made some burgers on the grill, and eventually got to talking and demonstrating painting stuffs.  We also (and by we, I mean I...and this originated when we all tried Harpoon's hard cider for the first time) joked about a Food Network-type cooking show on HBO or Showtime that features a chick with a bad attitude.  She makes a sauce and tastes it, and exclaims "God DAMN.  It'd eat the SHIT outta this!"  The idea seriously excites me.  ^.^

Aaaaanyway, this dude is a really good sculptor, and I'm extremely stoked to see how he incorporates painting into his art.  Small Angry Monster and I originally met Nick at Chiller Theatre in October 2012.  He was vending, and we were browsing.  Since then, we've all started hanging out and talking art and even playing some D&D (nerd alert!) together.  He's a very cool dude and talented artist.  You should check him out!

Ok, so here's the updated top 5 projects list (in order of urgency...but they ALL need to be done somewhat soon):
  1. 12" Vinyl  for Art in the Groove
  2. Kaiju Kaos Mushrooms (Still done.  They just need to be mailed back.  I really gotta do that.)
  3. Dubose's Eggnabber (Mostly done.  Get on it, cat!)
  4. October Toys Deadbeets
  5. DrilOne Drones
Others include but are not limited to:  
Cash Cannon's Zombie Candy Corns (they need to arrive first lol)
Lunartik Mini Custom Cup o' Tea (I need a really good idea)
Triplikid's Gropers
October Toys OMFG Series 1 and 2
Motorbot Owl
Ocular (Hellgnome) Monsters
64 Colors Gumdrops

This IS a long list, but I've finally committed to being a vendor at Chiller this October, and I really want to get a head start on halloween type stuff.

Ok, it's that time again.  Time for me to eat unhealthy noms and play Angry Birds Friends (I call it Birds with Friends, lol).

Be well, stay nerdy, and remember to floss.
